Simple sentences for a successful Burma trip

The first hurdle on your trip to Myanmar in particular and a foreign country in general is undoubtedly the linguistic barrier. To help you have an unforgettable experience in Myanmar, it is recommended to take a short course of Burmese language.

Basic communication in Burmese language

Myanmar is currently an ideal tourist destination for visitors. By making a Burma trip, you will have the opportunity to admire the beauty of pagodas, temples, immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of idyllic villages reflected in the water or admire the magnificent sunset on rivers. In addition, you can experience the peaceful life of the locals who are extremely friendly. To facilitate your tours in Burma, we would like to share with you some simple phrases that will undoubtedly make your trip easier. During your tours in Burma, wherever you are such as streets, markets, supermarkets or tourist sites, you will need to communicate with local people. In addition to the English language, you can use simple sentences in Burmese as the following:
English    -       Burmese
Hello:                                                                                 Min ga la ba
Hello (but with an attitude of intimacy)                     Nei kaung la
Is it okay?:                                                                         Nei kaon la
I’m fine. Thank you!:                                                      Ne kaon ba de
What’s your name?:                                                        Kamya ye na mee la be
My name is… :                                                                  Ky a nau na mee……ba
Nice to meet you!:                                                           Twe ya da wanta ba de
Please:                                                                                Kyeizu pyu yue
Thank you:                                                                        Kyeizu tin ba de
Yes:                                                                                     Ho de
No, not that:                                                                     Ma ho bu
I am sorry:                                                                        Sau re be
Goodbye:                                                                          Thwa dau me
You do not speak English?:                                          In glei za ga go pyaw thet de la?
Help me!:                                                                         A ku nyi lo de
Hello:                                                                                Mingalaba
I do not know:                                                                Kya-nau ma thi bu
Where is toilet?:                                                             Ka mya yei, ein da ga be ma leh
You can check with other language sources for more information. During your Myanmar travel, this is the way to help you to integrate with and win the hearts of local people. Speaking in the Burmese language with the accent of a foreigner will make you "cute" in the eyes of the Burmese. Even if you pronounce badly, you will make an effort to speak their language, which make them understand that you are a very interesting guest.
The language of Myanmar is quite difficult. We try to help you by sharing a few simple sentences in the hope that they can contribute to the success of your Burma trip.



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