Yangon To Bagan Bus: Practical Information

To travel from Yangon to Bagan, you have a number of options: plane, train, bus and even taxi. Taking a Yangon to Bagan bus trip is a popular choice for a lot of tourists thanks to reasonable price and a quite pleasant condition. If you plan to travel from Yangon to Bagan by bus on your Burma tour, keep in you mind the following practical information.

General information

Both day buses and night buses offered by 6-7 transportation companies are available for the journey from Yangon to Bagan. Travelers tend to prefer night buses to feel less tired and save a hotel night. The bus trip takes about 9-10 hours for the 611-kilometer journey. Ticket price is quite cheap, only US $11-15.5 for normal class and US $18.5-20 for VIP class. The bus journey is relatively pleasant thanks to quite good road condition and quality of the bus itself (all buses are air-conditioned). You can buy Yangon to Bagan bus tickets at bus stations (Yangon and Bagan terminals) and travel agents or book online at the websites of bus companies.
Yangon terminal: Aung Mingalar Bus Station
Aung Mingalar bus station is main bus station in Yangon and located at Thudhamma Road, North Okkalarpa Township, Yangon, Myanmar. It is about 13 miles (about 50 minutes by car in normal traffic) from downtown and about 5 miles (about 30 mins by car) from airport.
Bagan Terminal: Bagan Shwe Pyi Bus Station
Bagan Shwe Pyi is a new Bus station in Bagan and it is now one and only bus station in Bagan since the old one is not used now. It is located at Nyung U- Kyauk Pan Taung Highway road and you can ask hotel reception or local taxi driver how to get there.

Bus from Yangon to Bagan by JJ Express

JJ Express is considered as the best bus service provider for Yangon-Bagan route. They operate both VIP buses (First Class – US $20 per ticket) and normal ones (Business Class – US $12 per ticket). VIP buses have WC and free wifi while normal ones do not. All buses are quite new and air-conditioned. Every seat has a blanket and sockets. Passengers are also provided with complimentary drink.
You can book Yangon to Bagan bus tickets via the Facebook page of JJ Express. Get the tickets and make payment at the front desk about 30 minutes before departure time. You shouldn’t book online via some bus ticket websites of Myanmar as you will be charged more US $5 for each ticket.

Bus from Yangon to Kyaikhtiyo

Kyaiktiyo is a small pilgrim town in the mountains almost 200 km from Yangon in Southeastern Myanmar, famous for its golden boulder and pagoda balancing precariously over a cliff (Kyaiktiyo Pagoda or Golden Rock Pagoda).
From Yangon, the company “Win Express” operates the bus trips to Kinpun (the city at the foot of Mount Kyaiktiyo). The first bus departs from Yangon at 6:30 am, then a journey for every hour until 2.30 pm. The ticket price is 7000 kyat, and the trip takes about 5 hours.
Note that the night bus Yangon to Bagan normally leaves the downtown Yangon at 7.00pm and arrives in Bagan around 5.00am (the next day). So make sure to book your hotels in Bagan in advance and prepare for the transfer from bus station to your hotel.

The post Yangon To Bagan Bus: Practical Information appeared first on Myanmar travel.

Plus: http://ancharm-myanmar.com/travel-guide/travel-experiences/yangon-bagan-bus-practical-information/


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